Nursing Anne is a manikin designed for scenario-based education for the care and management of a wide variety of in-hospital patients. Integrated pre-programed simulation content is designed to provide participants with deliberate clinical education with a focus on specific learning objectives, geared toward women's health. Includes head with anatomical landmarks, trachea, and esophagus, along with simulated lungs and stomach, enabling the practice of many procedures:Irrigation of the eye and ear (simulated)Application/instillation of medications in the eye, ear, and nose including nasal packingMouth and denture care proceduresInsertion and suctioning of oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airwaysInsertion, securing, and care of endotracheal tubesTracheostomy care and tracheal suctioningVarious oxygen delivery proceduresNG tube insertion, care, medication administration, and removalGastric lavage and gavageSubclavian, jejunostomy, and Hickman catheter openings (placement only)Manually generated carotid pulseDeltoid, dorsogluteal, and vastus lateralis IM injections possibleFull range of motion for realistic patient handlingInterchangeable stomas depict colostomy, ileostomy, and suprapubic cystotomyColostomy may be irrigated and will retain an indwelling catheterFingers and toes are spread to allow bandagingInterchangeable male and female genitaliaComplete urinary catheterizationCan be attached to urinary and colon reservoirs via connector valvesFemale genitalia to demonstrate vaginal douchingWill retain indwelling or straight catheterEnema procedures may be performed using fluid for realistic returnWhen used with manikin, fluid may be used for realistic returnUrinary valves give the natural resistance felt when catheterizingAnal valves simulate the internal anal sphincterArticulating IV training arm with replaceable skin and infusible vein system allows peripheral intravenous therapy and site careVenipuncture possible in the antecubital fossa and dorsum of the handAccessible veins include median, basilica, and cephalic